Exhibit Preparation


trial exhibit

Inter-State Investigative Services prepares exhibits with the goal of increasing the trier of fact’s understanding of the evidence at hand. We have more than twenty-five years of courtroom experience, and with that comes keen insights on how juries perceive evidence. One aspect of being persuasive at trial is communicating a simple message that is quickly grasped and easily understood.  Every exhibit we prepare is done so with an understanding of the big picture of the case and how the particular exhibit fits in the overall story.

All of the exhibits we prepare are of the highest quality and created to be compelling. Photographs and videos are always presented in a way that the trier of fact can see objects, people, and places as clearly as possible. Audio recordings are maintained so statements can be clearly understood. We prepare our exhibits so they can help viewers visualize the case in a way that testimony can’t. All exhibits are considered for their probative value to the case.

While the kinds of exhibits that may arise in a case are seemingly endless, one thing that is constant is the way we approach our work. Every case we work is done so with anticipation that our work product will need to stand up in court. Accordingly, every piece of evidence we encounter, every photo/video/recording we take, is handled and preserved in the surest way to survive attacks by opposing counsel as well as judicial scrutiny.

It is impossible to list all of the types of exhibits we have prepared. Please call us at 800.729.0311 with any questions you may have. Or, if you currently have a case that needs investigative assistance, please click the “Submit a Case” button at the top of the page, fill out the corresponding form, and we will be in contact with you as quickly as possible.