How To Locate An Individual – The Basics (Part Three)

In my preceding post, I provided you with some “do-it-yourself” advice about how to locate an individual.  Hopefully that information was useful, and in an easy case it should in fact do the trick.  However, if you are dealing with an individual who does not want to be found, someone …

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How To Locate An Individual – The Basics (Part Two)

In my prior post, I promised to provide you with some “do-it-yourself” advice about how to locate an individual.  There is actually a great deal that anyone with access to the internet, a telephone, and/or an automobile can do to help himself in this regard.  So let’s dive right in. …

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Donald Sterling Hires Private Investigators

Donald Sterling, the embattled Los Angeles Clippers owner who was notoriously caught on audio tape making racially discriminatory statements,  recently made news for hiring several private investigation firms to “dig up dirt” on fellow NBA owners. Specifically, it appears that Sterling is using the PIs in an attempt to identify …

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Authenticating Social Media Evidence: Preserving “Distinct Characteristics” With Metadata

How can digital evidence be authenticated and preserved? The advent of social media has changed our conception of the “smoking gun” – the piece of evidence that can make or break a case. These days, key pieces of evidence are more likely to be found displayed online than hidden amongst …

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Social Media Investigations

Social media, webmail, website data and Youtube video have been very common sources of information and evidence in criminal and civil litigation. Even wise prospective employers review a potential new employee’s social media postings as a routine course of a pre-employment background investigation. Keeping up with the fast paced changes …

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